In our efforts to provide fully integrated solutions for the aquaculture business worldwide, we strive to offer every product and service a cage farm needs. At Stamatiou, we know the needs of every farm very well and are always ready to suggest and provide the right solutions.

Apart from our comprehensive product range, we offer a variety of other products and services.

Other Equipment provided:
– Insulated Harvesting Bins
– Feeder
– Net Washer

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All of these products are developed after years of experience and countless projects we have undertaken and are designed to provide quality, cost-efficient solutions to some of the industry’s biggest challenges.

Lately, we have also incorporated specialised aquaculture Software into our services. Specifically, we have co-developed the leading, most efficient aquaculture software to date, Aquamanager.

Aquamanager is an integrated solution for production planning, management, cost analysis and financial forecast. It uses the latest in software technology to deliver lightning fast performance. It utilises parallel processing to perform complex data analysis in seconds. It is built on Microsoft’s .NET framework 4 and SQL Server to enable flexibleBusiness Intelligence data analysis.

It encapsulates management best practices gained from years of experience working with industry-leading companies – it is a unique tool for improving the competitiveness of your business.


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